PM interacts with Students, Teachers and Parents

OV Digital Desk

During the 6th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC), Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with students, teachers, and parents at Talkatora Stadium. He also witnessed the exhibits of students showcased at the venue before the interaction. As part of his Pariksha Pe Charcha initiative, students, parents, and teachers interact with the Prime Minister on a variety of topics related to life and exams. In this year’s edition of PPC, 38.80 lakh registrations have been received from 155 countries.

He noted that Pariksha Pe Charcha is taking place during the Republic Day celebrations for the first time and noted that those visiting New Delhi from other states also got a glimpse of the day. According to the Prime Minister, Pariksha Pe Charcha is important to him as it gives him an insight into the minds of young Indians through the millions of questions posed as part of the program. The Prime Minister described these questions as treasure troves for him. According to him, he would like all these questions to be compiled and analyzed by social scientists in the coming years so we can have a detailed thesis about the minds of young students.

The Focus Points of this Interaction are:
  • On handling disappointment
  • On preparation for exams and time management
  • On unfair means in exams and taking shortcuts
  • On working hard vs working smart
  • On recognising one’s potential
  • On handling criticism
  • On gaming and online addiction
  • On stress after exams
  • On benefits of learning new languages
  • On the role of teachers in motivating students
  • On the behaviour of students