MS Connections campaign organised for the World Multiple Sclerosis Day

OV Digital Desk

World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day, brings together the global MS community and to raise awareness and campaign with everyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The theme of World MS Day 2020-2023 is “connections”. The MS Connections campaign is all about building community connections, self-connection and connections with quality care. The campaign slogan is “I Connect, We Connect” and the campaign hashtag is MS Connections. MS Connections challenges the social barriers that make people with MS feel lonely and socially isolated. It’s an opportunity to advocate for better services, celebrate support networks and advocate for self-care.

The Department for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India is the nodal body dealing with all the development agenda of persons with disabilities in the country. With an aim to create awareness of Multiple Sclerosis among the masses, the Department observed World Multiple Sclerosis Day on 30 May 2023, through its associated institutions, by conducting various events in more than 40 places across India. The MS Day theme color is orange. On May 30, 2023, organizations light up their buildings in orange.

The following activities have been organized across the country to observe World Multiple Sclerosis Day on 30 May 2023:-

1. Awareness Generation Programs

2. Seminars and workshops

3. Quiz contests, poster making

4. Distribution of TLM kits

5. Webinar on Self Advocacy and Government Schemes and Benefits for People with Multiple Sclerosis in association with MSSI.

6. Multiple Sclerosis National Webinar – Awareness and Awareness

7. Door-to-door physical screening field

8. Webinar on “Multiple Sclerosis and the Importance of Comprehensive Care”.

9. Webinar on Early Intervention in Schizophrenia: A Psychologist and Psychiatrist’s Perspective.

10. Distribution of aids and aids.

11. A skit about multiple sclerosis awareness.

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