International Cheetah Day and Wildlife Conservation Day celebrated at National Zoological Park

OV Digital Desk

Image Courtesy: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

A celebration of “International Cheetah Day” and “Wildlife Conservation Day” was celebrated yesterday by the National Zoological Park, New Delhi (Delhi Zoo) and the Central Zoo Authority. “Wildlife Conservation Day” and “International Cheetah Day” are celebrated to spread awareness about wildlife conservation among the younger generation.

An education team from National Zoo Park and Central Zoo Authority visited and interacted with 175 Divyang school students from Jormal Periwal Memorial Senior Secondary School for Blind, New Delhi, to spread awareness on the celebration of these days. All Divyang school students took part in the Wildlife Conservation Pledge. A panel of experts from National Zoological Park and Central Zoo Authority gave talks on “Wildlife Conservation and Role of Zoos” and “Cheetah – a Keystone Species and Food Web.” The goal is to spark curiosity in young minds about Wildlife Conservation, Keystone species, and Cheetahs’ role in grassland ecosystems. Each student got a participation certificate and a souvenir.