India vaccination drive – Day 81

OV Digital Desk

India vaccination drive has administered 33 lakh vaccine doses on day 81.  The vaccination drive was rolled out on 16th January 2021.

On  Day-81 of the vaccination drive (6 April 2021), a total of 33,37,601  vaccine doses were given. Among which,  30,08,087 beneficiaries were vaccinated for 1st dose and 3,29,514 received 2nd dose of the vaccine.

On  Day-80 of the vaccination drive (5 April 2021), a total of 43,00,966  vaccine doses were given. Among which,  39,00,505 beneficiaries were vaccinated for 1st dose and 4,00,461 received 2nd dose of the vaccine. This was the highest single-day vaccination coverage in the country so far.

So far, more than 8.7 cr (8,70,77,474) vaccine doses have been administered.  It covers around 7.5 crores of the first dosage and around 1.11 crores for the second dosage to HCWs, FLWs, beneficiaries aged more than 45 years of age.

In a significant development, India has surpassed the US to become the fastest vaccinating country in the world with an average daily rate of 30,93,861 vaccine doses.

COVID-19 cases across states

India’s daily new cases continue to rise. 1,15,736 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours.

Eight states including Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala have shown a rise in the COVID daily new cases. 80.70% of the new cases are reported from these 8 states.

Maharashtra has reported the highest daily new cases at 55,469. It is followed by Chhattisgarh with 9,921 while Karnataka reported 6,150 new cases.