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GHKKPM Written Update 25th September 2024

GHKKPM Written Update 25th September 2024

GHKKPM Written Update 25th September 2024

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 25th September 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode Rajat struggles with his thoughts on women while preparing for Kiyaan’s birthday. Bhagyashree faces a health crisis, forcing Savi to choose family over festivities. At the party, relationships are tested as Kiyaan shows loyalty to his mother and Rajat grapples with feelings of inadequacy. The episode closes on a bittersweet note, with Rajat and Sai sharing a moment of comfort amidst the chaos….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: Rajat’s Thoughts on Women

The episode opens in Rajat and Savi’s home, where Rajat shares his thoughts with Savi. He tells her, “All women are the same.” His voice carries a tone of frustration, and he continues to explain that women will happily talk about what they want but won’t share anything they don’t wish to disclose. Rajat believes this to be a universal truth, and his expression reflects a mix of skepticism and annoyance.

Savi, feeling confused, looks at him and asks, “What do you mean?” She doesn’t quite understand what Rajat is trying to say. Rajat sighs, not wanting to go deeper into this discussion. He quickly changes the subject, saying he doesn’t want to ruin his mood by arguing. He instructs Savi to get ready and prepare Sai for Kiyaan’s birthday celebration. Despite her confusion, Savi nods, determined to follow his instructions.

Scene 2: A Mother’s Concern

While Savi prepares for the party, Bhagyashree walks in. She seems to have noticed something and immediately focuses on Savi. “Savi, why did you take the food I prepared for the orphans?” she asks with concern in her voice. Bhagyashree is worried, as she knows the importance of that food for the children.

Savi feels a rush of guilt but quickly tries to explain, saying, “I took it to the teachers instead.” She hopes this will satisfy Bhagyashree. Rajat, however, is nearby and hears the exchange. He frowns, thinking to himself that Savi is lying about her actions.

Bhagyashree isn’t convinced and asks, “Did the teachers like the food?” Savi confidently replies that they did enjoy it. Bhagyashree softens a little and then tells Savi to hurry up and get ready, as they are running late. The atmosphere in the room is a mix of tension and urgency.

Scene 3: Bhagyashree’s Health Crisis

As Savi continues to prepare, Bhagyashree suddenly grips her chest and gasps for air. It becomes clear that she is having an asthma attack. Alarmed, Rajat rushes to her side, his face filled with worry. “Mom, are you okay?” he asks, his voice shaky.

Savi, sensing the urgency, insists, “I will stay with you, Mom. You need me now.” She knows how much Bhagyashree relies on her during these moments. Rajat, feeling torn, tells Savi to take care of her mother while he and Raju go to the party.

Savi watches them leave, determined to take care of Bhagyashree first. She gets her mother’s inhaler and helps her breathe easier. This moment shows Savi’s love and dedication, putting family first despite the excitement of the upcoming celebration.

Scene 4: Kiyaan’s Birthday Party

At Kiyaan’s birthday party, Rajat, Sai, and Raju are taken aback by the grand decorations and festivities. The venue is filled with colorful balloons, streamers, and laughter from children running around. Rajat glances around, impressed but also anxious about how the party will unfold.

As they mingle, Harsh, Kiyaan’s father, spots them. He gestures to Ashika and they approach Rajat. “Why are you here? You weren’t invited,” Harsh questions, his tone sharp and unwelcoming.

Rajat explains, “Kiyaan invited us,” trying to keep the mood light. Ashika interjects, saying, “If that’s what Kiyaan wants, then you can stay.” Harsh rolls his eyes, still not pleased but relenting slightly.

In a bid to change the subject, Harsh suggests that Rajat meet Kiyaan, who he refers to as his “replica.” Rajat, feeling insulted, sharply rebukes Harsh, indicating he does not appreciate the comparison. The tension between them is palpable, and Sai feels the need to lighten the mood but struggles to do so.

Scene 5: A Call from the Bank

Meanwhile, Ridhi, a family friend, approaches Savi, who is back at home. Ridhi thanks Savi for staying behind to take care of Bhagyashree, appreciating her kindness. Just then, Savi’s phone rings. She steps away to answer it, her heart racing with anticipation.

The voice on the other end is the bank manager. “I’m sorry to inform you, but your loan has been canceled,” he says coldly. Savi’s heart sinks. She feels a wave of disappointment wash over her as she realizes the implications of this news. She hangs up, her mind racing with thoughts about what to do next.

Scene 6: A Heartfelt Reunion

Later, the mood shifts when Savi finally meets Kiyaan, her brother, for the first time at the party. She feels a mix of excitement and nerves as she approaches him, holding a family drawing she created as a gift. “This is for you,” she says, handing it over with a bright smile.

Kiyaan’s face lights up. He looks at the drawing and says, “I love it! Thank you!” His joy at the gift makes Savi feel warm inside, as she finally connects with her brother.

Rajat also gives Kiyaan a present, a new video game that Kiyaan has been wanting for a long time. The boy’s eyes widen in excitement, and he thanks Rajat with genuine enthusiasm. Raju, not wanting to be left out, presents Kiyaan with a small gift as well, explaining that their mother couldn’t come due to her health but wishes to meet him soon. Kiyaan responds, “I don’t want to stay with my stepmother!”

His voice is firm, and it surprises everyone, including Ashika and Harsh, who exchange pleased glances. The comment shows Kiyaan’s loyalty to his mother, which is touching but also tense.

Scene 7: Mixed Feelings at the Party

As the party continues, Sai tries to tell Kiyaan that Savi is a good person. She encourages Rajat to admit his feelings for Savi, pushing for more openness in their relationship. Kiyaan looks at Rajat, wanting to hear his answer, but Rajat remains guarded. He simply states, “I love my children,” avoiding the question about Savi.

Sai, sensing the tension, presses further, asking Rajat if he doesn’t love Savi. Before Rajat can respond, Raju steps in and suggests that Sai fetch water to cool things down. Savi watches from the side, worried but hopeful that the situation will resolve without conflict.

Scene 8: Savi’s Determination

After checking on Bhagyashree, who is resting, Savi decides she must find out more about her loan situation. She needs answers and is determined to meet the mysterious person who canceled her loan. This moment shows her resilience and desire to take charge of her life.

Meanwhile, Harsh and Ashika attempt to manipulate Sai further, trying to sow discord among the family. Their efforts seem to fall flat as Sai remains strong and united with her friends.

Scene 9: Kiyaan’s Birthday Celebration Climax

The party reaches a climax when Kiyaan cuts the cake. He smiles as he feeds Ashika and Harsh, showing off his joyful spirit. He then turns to Harsh and asks, “Can I call you ‘Dad’ as a return gift?”

Harsh’s face lights up with happiness, and he quickly agrees. Rajat, watching from a distance, feels a deep sadness wash over him. He knows how much this means to Kiyaan, but it also stirs feelings of inadequacy within him.

As the party wraps up, Harsh gathers everyone for a family photo. Kiyaan insists that Sai join them, and she agrees with a smile. However, during the photo, Kiyaan makes a belittling comment about Rajat, which only adds to Rajat’s sorrow.

Later, Sai comforts Rajat, telling him not to be sad. She expresses her hope that Kiyaan will soon realize how great Rajat is as a father. Rajat nods, feeling grateful for Sai’s support. They both share a moment of understanding, even as the shadows of the party linger.

Harsh surprises Kiyaan with a gift of a car, saying he will have a personal driver to take him wherever he wants. Kiyaan’s face lights up with excitement, and he declares it the best gift ever. He then invites his friends to join him for a ride, and the party concludes with laughter and joy, but not without leaving behind a cloud of unresolved emotions for Rajat and Savi.

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: In the precap, Rajat watches a video that shows Savi meeting a man at a coffee shop. When Savi returns home late and lies about being delayed at school, Rajat confronts her. He accuses her of secretly meeting the man and, in a fit of anger, pushes her out of the house, telling her that she has no place in their home anymore.

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

Also Read: GHKKPM Written Update 24th September 2024

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