Discover the Spirit of Freedom on Estonia Independence Day

Saurav Singh

Estonia Independence Day, celebrated annually on February 24, stands as a testament to the nation’s enduring spirit and love for freedom. This public holiday marks the anniversary of the Declaration founding the Republic of Estonia in 1918. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the historical significance, the journey of independence, and the vibrant celebrations that define this momentous day.

History of Estonia Independence Day

Announced on February 23, 1918, the Manifesto to the Peoples of Estonia, proclaimed from the balcony of the Endia Theatre in Parnu, marked the birth of the Republic of Estonia. The following day, on February 24, the Manifesto was published in Tallinn, solidifying Estonia’s independence. Estonia faced numerous challenges, including a forced occupation by Germany after World War I. However, the Estonians’ resilience led to the Tartu Peace Treaty in 1920, ensuring Soviet Russia’s renouncement of any claims to Estonia. Despite the promises made in 1920, Soviet Russia invaded Estonia in 1940, leading to its incorporation as the Estonian S.S.R. The subsequent years witnessed Estonia’s struggle under both Soviet and German rule. The Singing Revolution of 1988 marked a unique turning point, culminating in Estonia re-establishing its sovereignty on August 20, 1991.

Estonia Independence Day Celebrations

Estonians commence their Independence Day at sunrise with the traditional flag-hoisting on Toompea, followed by a military parade in Freedom Square, an open-air concert in Tallinn, and the President’s evening reception. Other towns join in with flag-hoisting, church services, and local celebrations, creating a nationwide expression of joy and unity. Estonia’s journey teaches resilience and grit, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit against fierce opposition. Enduring brutal regimes under Soviet and German rule, Estonia’s historic independence signifies liberation from oppression. The fierce love displayed by Estonians in their fight for freedom exemplifies perseverance and a deep-rooted affection for their nation.

Key Moments in Estonia’s Journey

  • Human settlement in Estonia dates back 11,000 years, laying the foundation for the rich cultural heritage that defines the nation.
  • Estonia’s admission to the League of Nations signifies international recognition of its sovereignty and independence.
  • The discovery of phosphorite mines triggers environmental concerns, leading to a ‘phosphorite war’ and the emergence of active political movements.
  • Estonia formally declares independence during a coup attempt in Moscow, initiating a new chapter in its history.

Estonia Independence Day Activities

  1. Celebrate with Estonia
  • Extend goodwill messages to Estonians globally through social media, fostering a sense of unity.
  1. Learn an Estonian Word
  • Embrace linguistic diversity by learning at least one Estonian word, promoting cultural understanding.
  1. Visit Estonia
  • Explore Estonia’s rich history and picturesque landscapes by either planning a vacation or virtually traveling through online platforms.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Estonia

  1. Free Public Transport
    • Estonians enjoy free public transport in every town, showcasing a commitment to accessibility.
  2. Wife-Carrying Sport
    • Estonia boasts a unique sport called ‘wife-carrying,’ adding a touch of fun and tradition to its culture.
  3. Widely-Spoken Estonian Language
    • Estonian, the country’s official language, ranks as the world’s second most-spoken Finnic language.
  4. Old Town in Tallinn
    • Tallinn’s Old Town stands as the most intact medieval town in all of Europe, preserving Estonia’s rich history.
  5. Least Religious Country
    • A 2005 poll revealed that only 16% of Estonia’s population identified as religious, highlighting the nation’s secular nature.

Estonia Independence Day Dates

  • 2024: February 24 (Saturday)
  • 2025: February 24 (Monday)
  • 2026: February 24 (Tuesday)
  • 2027: February 24 (Wednesday)
  • 2028: February 24 (Thursday)

Estonia Independence Day FAQs

Q) What is the Government Structure?

Estonia has both a President, Alar Kari, and a Prime Minister, Juri Ratas, reflecting its democratic governance.

Q) What is the Language?

English is widely spoken in Estonia, reflecting the country’s openness to global communication.

Q) What is the Population?

Estonia is home to approximately 1.3 million people, contributing 0.3% to the total E.U. population.

Q) Does Estonia have E.U. Membership?

Since May 1, 2004, Estonia has been an integral member of the European Union.

In conclusion, Estonia Independence Day encapsulates a rich history, a resilient journey, and a deep-seated love for freedom. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, let us honor Estonia’s past, embrace its present, and look forward to a future marked by unity and prosperity.